Throw them out, burn them, use them to wrap your fish 'n' chips in. If you have been reading a newspaper over the last few days, then you have do doubt come across a poll somewhere that shows you how much of a disaster Corbyn will be.
There was a poll which showed Corbyn did not receive the usual 'bounce' or 'jump' in the opinion polls. A comparison was made between previous leaders showing the following;

- Tony Blair received an +18% bounce
- Gordon Brown received a +16% bounce
- Ed Milliband received a +19% bounce
- Jeremy Corbyn received a -3% drop!
And so this goes to "Prove" that Corbyn will be unsuccessful. Clearly there is a link between your initial bounce in the opinion polls and winning elections. The three previous leaders all received a substantial bounce and they all won their respective elections didn't they? Oh, perhaps the correlation isn't as simple as the media serve it up to us.
Another poll/study by the Newstatesman claims to show the huge and terrifying gulf between the opinions of Jeremy Corbyn supporters when compared to current Labour voters. They ask questions like "Are you very or fairly left wing" and "do you think the government should do more to help the poor and tax everyone else to do this" On first glance this could be worrying for Corbynites across the land, but here at Lefthub we say RELAX!
Do we not remember how Corbyn got to this point? Do we not remember where he came from to get to this point? Did we even really know who Corbyn was before the leadership race began?
Jeremy Corbyn is not the kind of spun, polished politician we are used to. He doesn't come up with the kind of sound bites that the press can latch on to and create a big splash. Instead what Corbyn does is present a set of very clear principles. People respect his principles first and then they begin to listen. Over time he plants many ideas and questions into peoples minds, people start to form their own opinions, own ideas, realise their own principles and slowly but surely warm to Corbyn. This is why his support are so loyal, so engaged and so energised. They want to get out there, they want to hear him speak and they want to be part of it. Jeremy Corbyn is creating a movement, much bigger than just himself, its not the popularity contest politics we are used to.
To prove this organic growth lets go back and look at the Newstatesman's piece from 22nd June. Again in this they look at Labour supporters and show in their poll that Jeremy Corbyn was backed by just 9% and he was described as a "token leftie". Over time the polls shifted and the "token leftie" became the frontrunner. He won with around 60% of the vote.
Slowly but surely, more people will hear Jeremy speak. More people will realise their own principles. More people will form their own ideas and we would not be surprised if more poeple feel drawn to Corbyn. This really is a marathon not a sprint and Jeremy Corbyns style is suited to that perfectly.
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